New shuttle bus
There will soon be no more crowding on the bus for AQD’s Tigbauan Main Station (TMS) employees since the aging shuttle service bus will finally be replaced. A new 61-seater, 4-stroke, 6-cylinder Hino 2009 model bus powered by a turbo diesel engine and complete with tools and a spare tire was acquired from Motormall NCR at the cost of P5,109,375.
The bus, accompanied by Engr. ZT Suriaga and AQD driver ‘Monet’ Parreño, arrived in TMS last June 23 from Canlubang, Laguna after a brief stop-over at the Manila Office. Two representatives from Pilipinas Hino also came over to conduct a seminar/orientation on the maintenance and operation of the bus.
Parts were made in Japan and assembled in Laguna. The wavy design adorning the bus is by Mr. IT Tendencia. It will start shuttle services next month.
Of AQD’s two old 45-seater buses, one will be sold to pay for the repair of the other.
New service boat AQD’s Igang Marine Station (IMS) has a new multi-purpose flatboat to ferry visitors, cargo, and fingerlings.
The body of the boat was completed in May of this year and the tarpaulin roofing was finally installed this June.
At 40 feet long and 8 feet wide, the boat can safely transport 50 to 60 people according to Mr. AG Gaitan, IMS head and designer of the boat.
With its integrated flow-through water system, the boat can transport fingerlings from TMS to IMS with less handling and reduced transport-related mortality.
Water can be pumped in from the boat’s hull to fill the boat’s interior while a stand pipe maintains the water level. An exit sluice gate at the side of the boat can then release the fingerlings directly to the fish cages.
The body of the flatboat was constructed at an approximate cost of P 150,000 while its reconditioned Isuzu 4DR5 engine was taken from AQD’s Dumangas Brackishwater Station (DBS).
A new boat? LOLz.. I hope it doesn't sink like the last one.
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