AQD exhibits in two events

AQD participated in two events and put up booths. The first was during the Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia East Asia Growth Area’s (BIMP-EAGA) High-value aquaculture business conference held April 5-7 in General Santos City, southern Mindanao. AQD researchers Mr. Vincent Encena II and Ms. Ma. Rovilla Luhan were invited to deliver talks on abalone and seaweed farming, respectively, at the said conference.

The second was in Bohol. The Aquaculture technology 2010 convention organized by BFAR Region 7, Municipality of Calape and a private partner was held April 6-8.

 (L-R) AQD presentors Mr. Vincent Encena II and Ms. Ma. Rovilla Luhan with Dr. Jose Ingles of World Wildlife FundActor Cesar Montano (right) visited AQD’s booth ,manned by Mr. Rosenio Pagador during the Aquatech 2010 convention







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