AQD promotes aquaculture at two fairs

Guests of honor BRAF Assistant Director Gil Adora, UPV Chancellor Dr. Minda Formacion, and AQD Chief Dr. Joebert Toledo during the FishLink 2010 exhibit openingAQD Technology Verification & Demonstration Head Dr. Ma. Rowena Eguia talks about advances in tilapia cultureJoining two fairs in the Philippines, AQD was able to promote its small-scale aquaculture technologies and technical assistance program for entrepreneurs. The first was in FishLink 2010, organized by the University of the Philippines Aquaculture Society and held 20-22 September in Iloilo City. AQD fielded nine of its experts to handle short talks on various cultured species and resource enhancement for local governments.

Some of the student & teacher participants of the S&T fairIn the Science and technology fair organized by the Department of Science and Technology from 15 to 17 September in Puerto Princesa, Palawan, western Philippines, AQD presented the mechanics of the Agree-build-operate-transfer (ABOT) aquabusiness program. The audience, which included the Palawan Live Fish Traders Association, was mostly interested in grouper cage culture.

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