AQD continues to actively participate in both local and international conferences, workshops, and other relevant gatherings held recently.
World Fisheries Congress
The most current of which was the World Fisheries Congress held last October 19-24 in Yokohama, Japan wherein AQD Chief Dr. Joebert Toledo, Dr. Ma. Rowena Eguia and Dr. Edgar Amar presented papers on "Institutional capacity development for sustainable aquaculture and fisheries: strategic partnerships with local institutions," "Research initiatives on the domestication and genetic improvement of freshwater prawns (Macrobrachium spp.) in the Philippines," and "Immunological approaches for preventive management of WSSV in shrimp Penaeus monodon" respectively. Mr. Armando Fermin on the other hand presented a poster entitled "Donkey’s ear abalone, Haliotis asinina (L): hatchery, aquaculture, and prospects of sea ranching in the Philippines."
AQD participation was made possible through the support of GOJ-TF.
5th International Symposium of the Japanese Society for Fish Pathology
Dr. Leobert de la Peña and Dr. Edgar Amar of the Fish health section attended the 5th International Symposium of the Japanese Society for Fish Pathology with the theme The role of fish pathology in sustainable aquaculture held October 18-19 at the University of Tokyo.
During this event, Dr. de la Peña presented a poster on the multiple viral infections in the wild black tiger shrimp in the Philippines.
Global Conference on Small-scale Fisheries
Ms. Didi Baticados and Dr. Nerissa Salayo of the Socioeconomics section were AQD’s representatives to the Global Conference on Small-scale Fisheries last October 13-17 in Bangkok, Thailand.
The said conference was organized by FAO-Rome in collaboration with the host Government of Thailand and its Department of Fisheries, SEAFDEC and the World Fish Center. The key issues discussed during the Conference’s panel plenary and work group presentations include social and economic development and human rights issues, governance, policy processes and systems, fisheries management approaches and market aspects and means of increasing post harvest benefits.
Panel discussions on securing access and user rights by small-scale indigenous people, and fishing communities to coastal and fishery resources that affect their livelihoods were also covered during the Conference. Although the Conference is about small-scale fisheries, it has major linkages with aquaculture in view of the inter-relations between fisheries and aquaculture.
Aquaculture was viewed during the said gathering as supplemental or alternative livelihood for small-scale fishers when there is available technology suited in the community and its environment.
UNITAR Training Workshop
Dr. Nerissa Salayo attended the UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research) training workshop series on sea and human security with the theme Towards a comprehensive security for seas and oceans: the Hiroshima initiative held last September 27 to October 3 in Hiroshima, Japan.
The theme is based on the understanding that sustainable use and protection of seas and oceans can lead to peace. In this connection, the said event aims to enhance the capacity development of experts from different fields and develop a peer exchange among themselves.
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