AQD holds strategic planning meeting

AQD Chief Dr. Joebert Toledo and Deputy Chief Dr. Teruo Azuma during the review and planning meetingAQD senior staff actively take part in the meetingAQD senior staff gathered for the Review and planning meeting from September 16 to 18 held at AQD’s Tigbauan Main Station.

The objectives of the meeting were to (1) review the progress of activities implemented in 2009 and ensure that these are within the agreed strategic objectives for 2012; (2) discuss planned activities for 2010 and assess any changes to AQD’s strategic plan; and (3) ensure harmonization and complementation of activities among the four AQD divisions.
AQD Chief Dr. Joebert Toledo gave his opening remarks and presented AQD’s new vision and mission. He also stated that for 2010, the SEAFDEC Council has advised AQD to slowly change its approach from being commodity-based to a thematic one.

Presented during the 3-day activity were the accomplishments and plans of AQD’s departmental programs (marine fish, crustaceans, molluscs, seaweeds, small-holder freshwater aquaculture, and aquatic ecology), regional programs (stock enhancement, fish disease surveillance, and sustainable aquaculture), other R&D activities (ABOT AquaNegosyo, ICD-SA, training & information) and administration & finance (budgeting & accounting, human resources management, support services). An open forum followed each session to discuss issues, problems and recommendations. Some of these concerns included climate change, reducing pollution, upgrading of AQD infrastructure, intellectual property rights (IPR), and internal auditing protocols.

Dr. Toledo closed the meeting by saying that AQD remains steadfast in its goal to develop science-based aquaculture technologies. He urged everyone to “move forward, and create the change that we desire. Let’s do it!”

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AQD Chief Dr. Joebert Toledo gave his opening remarks and presented AQD’s new vision and mission. He also stated that for 2010, the SEAFDEC Council has advised AQD to slowly change its approach from being commodity-based to a thematic one. single bed razai cover , best bath towels 2020 ,